the slow Journey...: BeWildermenttt

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


In the past weeks finally felt and understood WHY people say theres so much backstabbing and in your face attacks in the world. Email is such a powerful tool la. In almost everyday mailings in a nice tall In Singapore, one must always know how to fully use Outlook as your sword/shield and more importantly your Bow.
The To: field is for you to specify who your attack target is, for example auntie X.

CC: simply allows you to insert a simple but effective strategy into your attack. Attacking from both the inside and the outside. In addition that it also shields your somewhat. So that Auntie X would get shot in the face by you and her Supervisor, however after that she would be unable to retaliate in full force due to the fact that her supervisor and YOUR supervisor are included in the CC list. Sword, shield, curving arrow all fully maximised

BCC: are just 100% stealth ninja attacks which appear out of nowhere to poke you from somewhere unknown. Most despicable of the attacks, since the target won't even know this guy is included in the FYI mailing list.

The rest of the strategy from then on lies in how you forge and weave the fantastical spear of a mail in the form of its content and words used.
One thing you learn from work, and in a short span too. Why? cos you NEED to.

Oh well, onto other stuff. Bewilderment is what i feel know. Simply cannot understand and explain the sudden 180 degree change. Can someone tell me what happened??


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