Sunday, October 28, 2007
Singapore Hit Awards
Couldnt find a nice and bigger picture for it so.....yeap, had to make do with this one.
The Singapore Music Industry's Only biggest Award show. Guess you will fully understand why its the Only one after going for this year's. The venue was probably only 3/4 full at most?, and a whopping proportion of the audience over there are screaming raving typical crazy Female Fans who like the hundreds of other screaming raving typical crazy Female Fans, scream at their idol in a vain bid to grab their attention. The star line up is also rather.........pathetic, to put it bluntly.
For this year's event, Idol can safely be assumed to be = 飞轮海
Oh and did i mention that these screaming raving typical crazy Female Fans have backup idols too in case their main one fail to clinch an award? As soon as their main idol fail to grab a glass stand from the presenters they switch to screaming the winner's name ( if the winner is a guy of course). Probably their idol is just any good looking guy who can flaunt their physique / looks / smile and maybe mouth a few songs minimally. Kinda sums up most boy bands huh.
We were situated smack in the 飞轮海 fan nest, all around us were screaming raving typical crazy Female Fans screaming for 飞轮海 or their individual members. Man, can they SCREAM. They should just use that voice of theirs magnify it many times and kill people / pierce armour during war. Especially the one sitting behind me, can vy for the position of banshee queen.
Additional thing to take note, a HK Singer called 方大同 actually bagged TWO awards with his equally annoying sounding song, 爱 爱 爱。HOW CAN THAT BE!!! The most toot looking and sounding singer winning awards! Lots of ppl actually took his performance time as a toilet break too.
Think the specs that rz brought to class during jc are cooler than his and on top of that funny too. hahah
But at least the whole event had its highlights and good performances too.
Sun Yan Zi :) haha.
Oh well hope im spared the wrath of the screaming raving typical CRAZY Female Fans if any of them come across this. Heh
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